1. Presentation
According to law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004, article 6, for digital economy confidence, we specify to users of the website www.titan-asia.com creation and updates participants identity:
· Owner: Titan Aero Group – 170 rue Clément Ader, Zone Industrielle Nord, 69400 Arnas, FRANCE
· Publication Director: Titan Aero Group – +33 4 74 02 72 51
· Hosting: OVH
2. Website and services terms and conditions
Use of website www.titan-asia.com means full acceptance of terms and conditions below. These terms and conditions could be modified and completed at any moment. Users of website www.titan-asia.com are invited to refer to these terms and conditions regularly.
3. Services description
Subject of website www.titan-asia.com is to give information about all the company activities. Titan Aero Group try to give information as precise as possible on the website www.titan-asia.com. However, Titan Aero Group could not be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracy, lacks in updates, due to the company or partners who provide us information.
4. Responsibility
ww.titan-asia.com declines all responsibilities:
· For any service interruption of this website
· For any bug occurrence
· For any inaccuracy or omission about information available on this website
· For any damage resulting from a third-party fraudulent intrusion causing a modification of information available on this website
5. Intellectual property and counterfeiting
Titan Aero Group is owner of intellectual property right or rights to use for all elements on website, including texts, images, graphics, icons, sounds, software. Every reproduction, representation, modification, publication or adaptation all or part of website elements, regardless of way or method, is not allowed, except with written authorization of Titan Aero Group. Every non allowed exploitation of this website or included elements will be considered as counterfeiting and sue in compliance with measure of articles L.335-2 and next of Intellectual Property Code.
6. Personal data management
In France, personal data are protected, including by law n° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law n° 2004-801 of 6 august 2004, article L. 226-13 of Penal Code and European Directive of 24 October 1995.
Titan Aero Group collects personal information about user only for need of some services on website www.titan-asia.com. User provides information with full knowledge of the facts, especially when he proceeds himself to input. It is notified to website www.titan-asia.com user necessity or not to provide such information.
In compliance with measure of articles 38 and next of the law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, about IT, files and liberty, every user get access, rectification, and opposition rights, to personal data about himself, making written and signed request, along with proof of identity copy, with the holder signature, and specifying address where the answer could be sent.
No personal information of website www.titan-asia.com user is published unbeknown to user, exchanged, transferred, surrendered or sold, on any media, to third party.
7. Hyperlinks and cookies
Website www.titan-asia.com include some hyperlinks to other websites, implemented with Titan Aero Group authorization. However, Titan Aero Group has not possibility to verify content on websites visited in this way, and consequently, would not assume responsibility of this fact.
Navigation on website www.titan-asia.com could likely cause cookies installation on user computer. A cookie is a small file, which do not enable user identification but records information about computer navigation on website. Obtained data are designed to facilitate later navigation on website, and visits measures.
Cookie installation refusal could generate impossible access to some services. User could configure is computer like this, to refuse cookies installation:
On your browser: tab tools / internet options. Click on Confidentiality and choose Block cookies.
8. Applicable law and jurisdiction awarding
Every dispute about use of website www.titan-asia.com is subject to the French law. The exclusive jurisdiction awarding is given to Villefranche-Tarare competent Courts.
9. Principal concerned law
Law n°78-87 of 6 January 1978, including modifications of the law n° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, about IT, files and liberty.
Law n° 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 about digital economy confidence.